Archived Reports


Our annual STEM by the Numbers reports let us know if the system is supporting more students, especially students of color, students living in poverty and/or rural backgrounds, and young women, to be on track to attain high-demand credentials. Our Labor Market and Credential Data Dashboard indicate region-by-region, which jobs are in-demand, offer a family-sustaining wage, and what credentials are needed to obtain those jobs.

2021 Reports:

Data and Sources:


State of the Children

Washington STEM and Washington Communities for Family and Children (WCFC) developed a series of reports titled State of the Children: Early Learning & Care. Alongside a wide swath of regional partners, we aim to shine a light on the precarious position of Washington’s early learning systems. In these reports, you’ll find data and stories that touch on the economic impacts of childcare on Washington families, the state of the early learning workforce in Washington, data on affordability, access, and quality, the impacts of COVID-19 on our early systems, and more.

2021 Regional Reports:

For more information on sources and citations for this report series, please refer to our sources PDF.