Career Connected Learning creates pathways to success

Washington state ranks among the highest in the nation for STEM jobs, and opportunities to access family-sustaining wage careers are rapidly growing. Washington STEM works with industry and education leaders, alongside our STEM Network partners, to ensure equitable access to the career opportunities a STEM education provides.

Career Connected Learning creates pathways to success

Washington state ranks among the highest in the nation for STEM jobs, and opportunities to access family-sustaining wage careers are rapidly growing. Washington STEM works with industry and education leaders, alongside our STEM Network partners, to ensure equitable access to the career opportunities a STEM education provides.
Angie Mason-Smith, Program Director


There are many different pathways to STEM careers. Whether that's apprenticeships, certificates, 2-year, or 4-year colleges, each pathway and credential earned can lead to some of the most in-demand jobs in Washington that pay a family-wage.We know that a strong cradle-to-career STEM education will prepare students for the most in-demand, high-paying jobs – STEM jobs. Students on strong career pathways, accessed through STEM education, are better positioned to gain jobs that provide the economic security needed to contribute to the vitality of their families, communities, and local economies.

STEM jobs are abundant in every region of our state; but, historically, students of color, students from low-income backgrounds or rural communities, and girls have faced systemic barriers preventing them from gaining access to these jobs. That is why we center equity in our approach to Career Pathways. We work to design solutions to close gaps for historically underserved communities.

What We’re Doing

Supporting STEM Networks and LASER Alliances 
We are investing in, and working hand-in-hand with, 10 STEM Networks and partners across the state to change systems and support students’ access to career pathways. We also partner with Washington State LASER to ensure that state science leaders maintain a learning community that helps improve science education, removes barriers to implementation, and provide support at the school and district level.

Career Connect Washington
As a lead partner on Governor Inslee’s Career Connect Washington initiative, we support Career Connect Washington Regional Networks in identifying system barriers and, alongside our partners, design and implement programs that support Career Connected Learning and Career Pathways. We also serve on the Career Connect Washington Leadership team and lead its data and evaluation efforts.

Health Industry Leadership Table (HILT)
Washington STEM serves as a partner support organization in the Seattle King County Health Industry Leadership Table (HILT). In this role, we listen to the needs and priorities of the health industry organizations and look for the intersections between our work and ways we can support those initiatives. For example, we supported the first HILT  Healthcare Career Event in 2019,  which was geared towards high school students who are interested in pursuing health careers.

STEM STORIES See All Stories
Expanding career-connected learning for Washington students
In June, Washington STEM was selected as the implementation partner as Career Connect Washington programs grow in 2024. This statewide network of education and industry partners provide career explorations opportunities, apprenticeships, paid internships and on-the-job learning that result in industry-recognized credentials or up to a year of college credit education. Washington STEM will still provide strategic and technical support so all students—regardless of race, gender or zip code—can access on-ramps to high demand STEM careers.
H2P Collaborative: reimagining postsecondary pathways
Although Washington has one of the highest concentrations of jobs requiring STEM literacy, less than half of 9th graders (40%) will go on to enroll in an apprenticeship or a 1-, 2- or 4-year credential program after graduation. Key factors that increase postsecondary enrollment include dual credit programs, completing federal and state financial aid applications, and a comprehensive approach to student advising. Washington STEM’s High School to Postsecondary (“H2P”) Collaborative is a group of regional leaders and 40+ high schools across the state who aim to improve postsecondary pathways for students across the state. They do this by using high school course-taking data, postsecondary enrollment data, student and staff surveys, and student listening sessions to improve supports for students to pursue their post-high school dreams, often in high-demand STEM careers.
Washington STEM leads Horizons grants
Washington STEM was tapped by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to manage the Horizons grants to improve postsecondary transitions in four regions across the state. Over four years, these partnerships with education, industry, and community groups will strengthen the career pathways systems that students want.
STEM + CTE: Mutually reinforcing paths to success
Career technical education and STEM: both offer hands-on problem-solving, inquiry-based learning, and lead to challenging, in-demand careers. So why are they sometimes at odds? Let me tell you why--and how we are bringing them together.