Story Time STEM Resources

Story Time STEM / Resources


photo of teachers collaborating

If you’d like to apply the Story Time STEM approach and concepts to other read alouds, we’ve compiled an extensive booklist to help you find just the right read!

Further Reading

We’ve used numerous references throughout this project. If you’d like to look more deeply into the concepts, studies, and practices that inform the work we do within Story Time STEM, please review this list of references.

Tools to Facilitate Shared Reading

Read aloud experiences are a great time to engage with learners. To help you engage fully during a read aloud, we’ve created a printable bookmark that lists sample questions you can ask a child during or after the experience. We call this approach “questions as refrain”. Print one of the bookmarks, use it during your reading, and maybe even color it with your audience! Download in English or en Español.

You can learn more about the “questions as refrain” approach on the Reading Aloud page of the project.

Early Math Development Milestones

Reach Out and Read, a national nonprofit that champions the positive effects of reading daily and engaging in other language-rich activities with young children, has created an early math milestones chart to help you pinpoint concepts appropriate for your young mathematician. The Reach out and Read website offers many other resources to help families support math and literacy. Download in English or en Español.

You can learn more about math skills and content standards on our Math Skills page.

Story Time STEAM in Action/en Acción

Story Time STEAM in Action/en Acción is a community project inspired by Story Time STEM, which focuses on supporting equity in early mathematics for children and families through story time programming and uses shared reading experiences to support the development of early math skills.