Taxonomy Archives: Early Learning

Integrating Community Voices: State of the Children Co-design blog: Part II
In part two of the State of the Children Co-design process blog, we explore the ins and outs of the co-design process—and how it impacted the reports and the participants themselves. Read More
Breaking even: the cost of running a child care business
Most parents in Washington State know finding child care is a struggle, even if you have the resources and cost isn’t a factor. This new tool helps potential owners estimate the true cost of operating a child care business. Read More
The Co-Design Process: Research With, and For, Communities
The new State of the Children reports were developed in partnership with 50+ “co-designers” from across the state. The results highlight areas for meaningful policy changes while also incorporating voices of families with children often overlooked in the conversation about affordable child care. Read More
The State of the Children Report Series: From Insight to Action
In partnership with Washington Communities for Children, we're proud to release the State of the Children: Early Learning & Care report series, which provides an in-depth looks at the health of our early learning and child care systems. Read More
Washington State Early Learning & Care: Where Historic Underinvestment Meets National Health Crisis
Washington state's child care and early education systems were already in crisis before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that these systems have been further strained, what can be done to bolster and reimagine early learning to provide the high-quality care and positive learning interactions children need for positive outcomes in school and beyond? Read More
Story Time STEM

Developing math and literacy skills through shared reading experiences: a guide for librarians, educators, and caregivers

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De-Jargon-ize it! comic: Early Math Identity (mobile version)
There is a lot of jargon in education advocacy. Here at Washington STEM, we are guilty of using a few five-syllable, fifty-dollar words ourselves. We created the De-Jargon-ize It!, comics to help us all get on the same page, understand statewide education issues, and win Scrabble. In this issue, we're unpacking "Early Math Identity." If you've ever had a math-related identity crisis, this one's for you. Read More