Family Friendly Workplace Regional Reports


Each year, the lack of child care costs employers in Washington over $2 billion dollars in lost revenue.


Employers have an important opportunity to invest in their workforce by becoming family-friendly workplaces. These investments will yield returns for children, families, and businesses.

Family Friendly Workplace Regional Reports


Each year, the lack of child care costs employers in Washington over $2 billion dollars in lost revenue.


Employers have an important opportunity to invest in their workforce by becoming family-friendly workplaces. These investments will yield returns for children, families, and businesses.

Join the Family Friendly Workplace movement


Do you own a business in Washington that struggles to recruit and keep good workers? Lack of quality child care is keeping thousands from returning to work. The Family Friendly Workplace regional reports help Washington employers identify ways to improve access to child care, no matter what their operating budget might be.

The readable two-page reports present localized data, including:

  • Average cost of child care
  • Financial impact on employers from absenteeism
  • Percentage of local children with access to quality care
  • Percentage of families in your area with both parents working, and
  • Budget-friendly options to make your workplace Family Friendly, and more.


Reports by region:

Reports updated July 2024.


little girl smiling from a climbing dome structure