Taxonomy Archives: Career Pathways

Career Pathways Framework: a tool for clearing the way to STEM-literate jobs
Research has shown that most Washington students graduate high school and find jobs within 50 miles of where they grew up. But if their region has limited career-connected learning opportunities, local employers must recruit their workforce from outside the region. Washington STEM is partnering with schools and industry to provide more opportunities for students. Read More
Expanding career-connected learning for Washington students
In June, Washington STEM was selected as the implementation partner as Career Connect Washington programs grow in 2024. This statewide network of education and industry partners provide career explorations opportunities, apprenticeships, paid internships and on-the-job learning that result in industry-recognized credentials or up to a year of college credit education. Washington STEM will still provide strategic and technical support so all students—regardless of race, gender or zip code—can access on-ramps to high demand STEM careers. Read More
Washington STEM leads Horizons grants
Washington STEM was tapped by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to manage the Horizons grants to improve postsecondary transitions in four regions across the state. Over four years, these partnerships with education, industry, and community groups will strengthen the career pathways systems that students want. Read More
Lighting up equitable career pathways: “The energy in the room is palpable”
Washington STEM is partnering with Career Connect Washington and other education and industry partners to expand career connected learning across the state. Read More
STEM + CTE: Mutually reinforcing paths to success
Career technical education and STEM: both offer hands-on problem-solving, inquiry-based learning, and lead to challenging, in-demand careers. So why are they sometimes at odds? Let me tell you why--and how we are bringing them together. Read More
High School to Postsecondary: Technical Paper
An overwhelming majority of Washington's students aspire to attend postsecondary education. Read More
Critical Care – The Demand For Nurses
Nurses are a vital part of our healthcare system and demand for nursing professionals continues to rise. It's critical that students have access to robust healthcare career pathways programs so Washington has a strong and diverse healthcare workforce that meets current and future needs. Read More
Supporting Systems Change Through Career Pathways Programs
One of Washington STEM’s central goals is to develop an equitable system for postsecondary credential attainment for Washingtonians, especially for students of color, young women, students from low-income households, and students living in rural areas. But how exactly does systems change happen? Read More