New Strategic Plan: kick-off conversations

Lynne K. Varner,
Happy Spring and welcome to the sunny sense of optimism and renewal that accompanies these warmer days.
I have some exciting news to share. We are kicking off the next iteration of Washington STEM’s Strategic Plan! Our next plan will run from January 2025 to June 2028, and help us shift to the school calendars of many of our partners.
Since I joined Washington STEM seven months ago I’ve met partners across the cradle-to-career continuum and strategized ways to help more students access high-wage, high-demand careers. And I’ve witnessed how our advocacy team brings all the knowledge and know-how from our partners into policy conversations with lawmakers crafting bills to improve equity in education and light up high-demand career pathways.
Last month, we started in-house conversations where we let creativity flow—imagining what is possible. Now, it’s time to ask partners for their feedback.
Listening Sessions: Through May, we are inviting some partners to participate in Listening Sessions we’re hosting to inform our plan. If you get an invitation from Washington STEM staff to join a listening session please make every effort to join us. Your voice matters! Some of the questions we’re mulling over, are:
- What differentiates our work from other organizations? How do we leverage our “secret sauce?”
- What emergent trends can we anticipate in the future that will influence our work?
- How can we show up as a leader in justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion?
- What program areas in cradle-to-career education needs our assistance the most?
Timeline: After hearing from our partners through May, we’ll spend the summer designing the plan and writing (and revising) it through the fall, before presenting it to our governing Board in December.
Thank you in advance to everyone who will join us in these conversations and help us reimagine the education system so it helps build the health, wealth and security of next generation.
In the words of one of our staff, the work we do together is ‘messy but beautiful’.
Come join us. Let’s get creative…and maybe a little messy.