Taxonomy Archives: Comics
Here at Washington STEM, we like to look at the big picture of our state's education systems. We all know that early learning is important. But why is it so hard to find? Luna, our tiny-but-mighty STEM correspondent, investigates.
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There is a lot of jargon in education advocacy. Here at Washington STEM, we are guilty of using a few five-syllable, fifty-dollar words ourselves. We created the De-Jargon-ize It! comics to help us all get on the same page, understand statewide education issues, and win Scrabble. In this issue, we're unpacking "Early Math Identity." If you've ever had a math-related identity crisis, this one's for you.
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Here at Washington STEM, we like to look at the big picture of our state's education systems. But what does a strong STEM education look like at the student level? Ask Luna, our STEM learning correspondent!
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We’ve all been there — you come from a long, proud line of birthday clowns and then out of nowhere your kid wants to be a marine biologist. Okay, maybe we haven’t all been there, but we all have adult biases that inform our judgments about others.
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In this issue of De-Jargon-ize It!, we're tackling the big one. The king of all education policy jargon. Our personal favorite. Yep, that's right, it's time to break down "systems-level change."
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There is a lot of jargon in education advocacy. Here at Washington STEM, we are guilty of using a few five-syllable, fifty-dollar words ourselves. That's why we created De-Jargon-ize It, a new comic series that will help us all get on the same page, understand statewide education issues, and win Scrabble.
In this first installment, we unpack the term "postsecondary."
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Here at Washington STEM, we like to look at the big picture of our state's education systems. We all know that early learning is important. But why is it so hard to find? Luna, our tiny-but-mighty STEM correspondent, investigates.
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We’ve all been there — you come from a long, proud line of birthday clowns and then out of nowhere your kid wants to be a marine biologist. Okay, maybe we haven’t all been there, but we all have adult biases that inform our judgments about others.
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In this mobile-friendly issue of De-Jargon-ize It!, we're tackling the big one. The king of all education policy jargon. Our personal favorite. Yep, that's right, it's time to break down "systems-level change."
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There is a lot of jargon in education advocacy. Here at Washington STEM, we are guilty of using a few five-syllable, fifty-dollar words ourselves. That's why we created De-Jargon-ize It, a new comic series that will help us all get on the same page, understand statewide education issues, and win Scrabble. In this first, mobile-friendly installment, we unpack the term "postsecondary."
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