
Teacher well-being: An underlying problem in turnover
A new University of Washington report schedule to be published later this month, is shedding light on the relationship between teacher turnover in Washington state and the working conditions that support well-being. Hint: it’s mostly about relationships. Read More
Expanding career-connected learning for Washington students
In June, Washington STEM was selected as the implementation partner as Career Connect Washington programs grow in 2024. This statewide network of education and industry partners provide career explorations opportunities, apprenticeships, paid internships and on-the-job learning that result in industry-recognized credentials or up to a year of college credit education. Washington STEM will still provide strategic and technical support so all students—regardless of race, gender or zip code—can access on-ramps to high demand STEM careers. Read More
Cheers to the Class of 2024
It’s graduation season! We’re celebrating our interns and fellows—past and present—and their exciting education milestones. Read More
De-Jargon-ize it! comic: Early Math Identity
There is a lot of jargon in education advocacy. Here at Washington STEM, we are guilty of using a few five-syllable, fifty-dollar words ourselves. We created the De-Jargon-ize It! comics to help us all get on the same page, understand statewide education issues, and win Scrabble. In this issue, we're unpacking "Early Math Identity." If you've ever had a math-related identity crisis, this one's for you. Read More
H2P Collaborative: reimaging postsecondary pathways
Although Washington has one of the highest concentrations of jobs requiring STEM literacy, less than half of 9th graders (40%) will go on to enroll in an apprenticeship or a 1-, 2- or 4-year credential program after graduation. Key factors that increase postsecondary enrollment include dual credit programs, completing federal and state financial aid applications, and a comprehensive approach to student advising. Washington STEM’s High School to Postsecondary (“H2P”) Collaborative is a group of regional leaders and 40+ high schools across the state who aim to improve postsecondary pathways for students across the state. They do this by using high school course-taking data, postsecondary enrollment data, student and staff surveys, and student listening sessions to improve supports for students to pursue their post-high school dreams, often in high-demand STEM careers. Read More
Q&A with Rachel Tavolacci, Impact Data Specialist
Rachel Tavolacci went from teaching herself Excel to joining Washington STEM as our Impact Data Specialist. Somewhere in between, she had a realization: data is about storytelling. Read More