As we continue to move forward in 2020, we know that we’re stronger together. We will remain nimble. We will be creative. We will forge new partnerships and identify opportunities amidst these challenging times to drive toward our shared goal of increasing the number of students pursuing education beyond high school and forging bright futures of their own here in our state.
Angela Jones, Chief Executive Officer of Washington STEM
our STEM Networks and partners
the Numbers reports
support of Career Pathways
- HB2158 helped launch Career Connect Washington—which builds upon the success of our STEM Networks and creates career opportunities for students
- HB2140 helped fund full-time career connected learning coordinator positions at educational service districts across the state
dashboards launched — CORI
and Labor Market Dashboard
for students in partnership with
Career Connect Washington
supported with resources in early math
math learning experiences
President of Seattle Central College

In addition to working alongside our statewide STEM Network partners, we also work to partner with King County-based nonprofits like Zeno Math. The themes of healing, community support, and cultural inclusion echoed throughout the third annual Zeno Summer Institute, where educators, caregivers, and advocates gathered for two days to learn how to better support families of color in providing foundational math experiences for early learners.
Reading aloud with children is a joy of childhood, but we rarely view shared reading experiences as a time to open up the joy and wonder of mathematical thinking. Story Time STEM provides engaging activities for teachers, librarians, and parents to teach science, math, and engineering concepts through children’s literature. They approach literature with a mathematical lens, or “mathematize” the story, so we can nurture children’s mathematical identities, dispositions, and knowledge.
In 2019, Washington STEM
welcomed its new CEO,
Angela Jones.
Read on to learn a little about her and what drives her to create opportunity and impact for Washington students.
motivated to
push the
envelope on
behalf of
all the
children in
including my
What motivates you?
The work can sometimes seem daunting, but I think about how far our state has come as it relates to equity. As a woman of color, I can share space to problem solve in 2019 with people who don’t look like me. This was not always the case. While there are still moments of discomfort and frustration, I pay homage to my people and allies before me that pushed the envelope. So, I’m motivated to push the envelope on behalf of all the children in Washington state, including my own. Right now, we are in the driver’s seat and they deserve our best.
Why did you decide to take this job?
When I read the job description, I loved that this job and organization put everything that’s important to me into one role. I have been in educational roles for most of my professional career because I understand how access to education has shaped the future for generations of families. I appreciate how we’re working to connect community, education, and employers and understand what each constituency needs in order to best sustain our communities and economy.
What do equity in STEM education and career mean to you?
I’ve long been passionate about equity and the ability to move the needle for a variety of students from all walks of life. This means students of color, girls, students from low-income backgrounds, and students living in rural areas understand that STEM opportunities are indeed for them. This means those students get access to the education and technology needed to learn as other students in a well-resourced environment. This means we have the chance to help students access family sustaining wages so that our communities and state don’t just survive; I want all of us to have the chance to thrive.
What are your hopes for Washington students?
I hope that our students get the best STEM education possible, no matter their zip code, race, ethnicity, or gender. And I hope they receive that stellar education because those of us who work to deliver on that promise are authentically partnered to pool our resources, knowledge, and social capital to make it happen.
If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
There’s not just one place! The bucket list includes Belize and London. However, I am really trying to figure out how to get back to the Philippines to visit my family and bring my son to meet them.
What does life look like for you outside of work?
When not in quarantine basketball, basketball, and more basketball! We’re a hoop family. I also recently took up kickboxing to get back into fighting form and love distance cycling. I also spend quite a bit of time reflecting, fostering my faith, and centering myself around my “why.”
What’s one thing about you people can’t find through the internet?
I LOVE airplanes! I was a Navy kid who spent significant time on naval air stations. So yes, “Top Gun” is my favorite movie. I consider the proximity of our office to Boeing field to be a major bonus.
Management and General Services
Earned Revenue
Fiscal Sponsorships